Перевод: с английского на словацкий

со словацкого на английский

as anything

  • 41 description

    1) ((an) act of describing: I recognized him from your description.) popis, popísanie
    2) (an account of anything in words: He gave a description of his holiday.) opis
    3) (a sort or kind: He carried a gun of some description.) druh, typ
    * * *
    • vlastnost
    • druh
    • akost
    • charakteristické rysy
    • opis
    • popis
    • lícenie

    English-Slovak dictionary > description

  • 42 despair

    [di'speə] 1. verb
    (to lose hope (of): I despair of ever teaching my son anything.) zúfať si
    2. noun
    1) (the state of having given up hope: He was filled with despair at the news.) zúfalstvo
    2) ((with the) something which causes someone to despair: He is the despair of his mother.) dôvod na zúfalstvo
    * * *
    • zúfat
    • zúfalstvo

    English-Slovak dictionary > despair

  • 43 disclaim

    (to refuse to have anything to do with; to deny: I disclaimed all responsibility.) poprieť
    * * *
    • vzdat sa
    • zavrhnút
    • zapriet
    • zriect sa

    English-Slovak dictionary > disclaim

  • 44 discreet

    (wise, cautious and not saying anything which might cause trouble: My secretary won't let the secret out - she's very discreet.) rozvážny
    - discretion
    * * *
    • taktný
    • diskrétny

    English-Slovak dictionary > discreet

  • 45 distil

    American - distilled; verb
    1) (to get (a liquid) in a pure state by heating to steam or a vapour and cooling again.) destilovať
    2) (to obtain alcoholic spirit from anything by this method: Whisky is distilled from barley.) destilovať
    - distiller
    - distillery
    * * *
    • jemne kvapkat
    • destilovat

    English-Slovak dictionary > distil

  • 46 dregs

    1) (the solid matter which is left at the bottom of a container when the liquid is all used up: the dregs of the wine.) usadenina
    2) (anything worthless: the dregs of society.) spodina
    * * *
    • usadenina
    • kal

    English-Slovak dictionary > dregs

  • 47 duration

    (the length of time anything continues: We all had to stay indoors for the duration of the storm.) trvanie
    * * *
    • stálost
    • trvanie

    English-Slovak dictionary > duration

  • 48 dust

    1. noun
    1) (fine grains of earth, sand etc: The furniture was covered in dust.) prach
    2) (anything in the form of fine powder: gold-dust; sawdust.) prach
    2. verb
    (to free (furniture etc) from dust: She dusts (the house) once a week.) utrieť prach
    - dusty
    - dustiness
    - dustbin
    - dust-jacket
    - dustman
    - dustpan
    - dust-up
    - dust down
    - throw dust in someone's eyes
    * * *
    • vyprášit
    • prach
    • poprášit

    English-Slovak dictionary > dust

  • 49 element

    1) (an essential part of anything: Sound teaching of grammar is one of the elements of a good education.) základná súčasť
    2) (a substance that cannot be split by chemical means into simpler substances: Hydrogen, chlorine, iron and uranium are elements.) prvok
    3) (surroundings necessary for life: Water is a fish's natural element.) živel
    4) (a slight amount: an element of doubt.) nádych
    5) (the heating part in an electric kettle etc.) teliesko
    - elements
    - in one's element
    * * *
    • živel
    • súciastka
    • castica
    • cast
    • clen
    • clánok
    • prvok
    • podstatná súciastka

    English-Slovak dictionary > element

  • 50 embryo

    plural - embryos; noun
    1) (a young animal or plant in its earliest stages in seed, egg or womb: An egg contains the embryo of a chicken; ( also adjective) the embryo child.)
    2) (( also adjective) (of) the beginning stage of anything: The project is still at the embryo stage.)
    - embryological
    - embryologist
    - embryonic
    * * *
    • zárodok

    English-Slovak dictionary > embryo

  • 51 enigma

    (anything difficult to understand; a mystery.) záhada
    - enigmatically
    * * *
    • záhada
    • hádanka

    English-Slovak dictionary > enigma

  • 52 evil

    ['i:vl] 1. adjective
    (very bad; wicked; sinful: evil intentions; an evil man; He looks evil; evil deeds; an evil tongue.) zlý
    2. noun
    1) (wrong-doing, harm or wickedness: He tries to ignore all the evil in the world; Do not speak evil of anyone.) zlo
    2) (anything evil, eg crime, misfortune etc: London in the eighteenth century was a place of crime, filth, poverty and other evils.) nešťastie
    - evilly
    - evilness
    - evil-doer
    * * *
    • zlo
    • zlý
    • hriech

    English-Slovak dictionary > evil

  • 53 eye

    1. noun
    1) (the part of the body with which one sees: Open your eyes; She has blue eyes.) oko
    2) (anything like or suggesting an eye, eg the hole in a needle, the loop or ring into which a hook connects etc.) očko, uško, dierka
    3) (a talent for noticing and judging a particular type of thing: She has an eye for detail/colour/beauty.) oko
    2. verb
    (to look at, observe: The boys were eyeing the girls at the dance; The thief eyed the policeman warily.) pozorovať
    - eyebrow
    - eye-catching
    - eyelash
    - eyelet
    - eyelid
    - eye-opener
    - eye-piece
    - eyeshadow
    - eyesight
    - eyesore
    - eye-witness
    - before/under one's very eyes
    - be up to the eyes in
    - close one's eyes to
    - in the eyes of
    - keep an eye on
    - lay/set eyes on
    - raise one's eyebrows
    - see eye to eye
    - with an eye to something
    - with one's eyes open
    * * *
    • zvedavo pozorovat
    • ucho ihly
    • dívat sa
    • oko
    • ocko

    English-Slovak dictionary > eye

  • 54 feature

    ['fi: ə] 1. noun
    1) (a mark by which anything is known; a quality: The use of bright colours is one of the features of her painting.) znak
    2) (one of the parts of one's face (eyes, nose etc): She has very regular features.) črta
    3) (a special article in a newspaper: `The Times' is doing a feature on holidays.) veľký článok
    4) (the main film in a cinema programme etc: The feature begins at 7.30; ( also adjective) a feature film.) hlavný program; celovečerný
    2. verb
    (to give or have a part (especially an important one): That film features the best of the British actresses.) uviesť v hlavnej úlohe
    * * *
    • uverejnený vo zvýraz. úpr
    • uviest vo výraznej úprave
    • uviest ako hlavnú vec
    • uviest na význacné miesto
    • vlastnost
    • uvádzat
    • vybavenie
    • vystupovat
    • význacný rys
    • zariadenie
    • rys
    • rys (tváre)
    • predstavovat si
    • hlavná zaujímavost
    • hlavný film
    • hlavný program
    • funkcia
    • hlavný
    • jav
    • byt významným rysom
    • crta
    • pravidelná rubrika
    • mat významnú rolu
    • najzaujímavejší clánok

    English-Slovak dictionary > feature

  • 55 fender

    1) (anything used to protect a boat from touching another, a pier etc: She hung old car tyres over the side of the boat to act as fenders.) ochranný kryt
    2) (a low guard around a fireplace to prevent coal etc from falling out.) mreža
    3) ((American) a wing of a car.) blatník
    * * *
    • predný nárazník
    • ochranná mriežka

    English-Slovak dictionary > fender

  • 56 filling

    noun (anything used to fill: The filling has come out of my tooth; He put an orange filling in the cake.) plomba; plnka
    * * *
    • útek
    • výpln
    • vyplnenie
    • vyplnovacia priadza
    • zaplnenie
    • sýtiaci
    • sýty
    • upchávka
    • cerpací
    • plnidlo
    • plnka
    • plomba
    • nápln
    • naplnenie
    • násyp

    English-Slovak dictionary > filling

  • 57 filth

    (anything very dirty or foul: Look at that filth on your boots!) špina
    * * *
    • zlé jedlo
    • špina
    • smetie
    • svinstvo
    • kal
    • hnus
    • blato
    • darebák
    • lump
    • lahké dievca
    • necudnost
    • nerest
    • odpadky

    English-Slovak dictionary > filth

  • 58 fin

    1) (a thin movable part on a fish's body by which it balances, moves, changes direction etc.) plutva
    2) (anything that looks or is used like a fin: the tail-fin of an aeroplane.) smerové kormidlo
    * * *
    • zbavit plutvy
    • brázdit vodu plutvou
    • rebro
    • plutva
    • plávat
    • pohybovat plutvami

    English-Slovak dictionary > fin

  • 59 finale

    (the last part of anything, especially a concert, opera, musical show etc: The whole cast of the concert appeared in the finale.) finále
    * * *
    • finále

    English-Slovak dictionary > finale

  • 60 finger

    ['fiŋɡə] 1. noun
    1) (one of the five end parts of the hand, sometimes excluding the thumb: She pointed a finger at the thief.) prst
    2) (the part of a glove into which a finger is put.) prst
    3) (anything made, shaped, cut etc like a finger: a finger of toast.) pásik; plátok; jazyk
    2. verb
    (to touch or feel with the fingers: She fingered the material.) ohmatať
    - fingerprint
    - fingertip
    - be all fingers and thumbs / my fingers are all thumbs
    - have something at one's fingertips
    - have at one's fingertips
    - have a finger in the pie / in every pie
    - put one's finger on
    * * *
    • špicel
    • šlohnút
    • špiclovat
    • siahnut si
    • sledovat
    • ukradnút
    • uchopit
    • ukázat
    • fízel
    • doporucit
    • dotknút sa
    • hrat
    • byt v pätách
    • cvok
    • chytac
    • chápadlo
    • rucicka (tech.)
    • rucicka
    • prst
    • prúžok
    • oznacit za vhodného
    • palec
    • oznacit prstoklady
    • plátok
    • práskac
    • kúpit za pät prstov
    • ohmatat

    English-Slovak dictionary > finger

См. также в других словарях:

  • Anything Box — Origin Paterson, New Jersey Orange County, California Genres Synthpop Electronic Indie pop Dance pop New Wave Industrial music Years active …   Wikipedia

  • Anything — may refer to:In music: * Anything (The Damned Album) and the title song * Anything (Kinnie Starr album), and the title song * Anything (Martina Topley Bird album), the U.S. version of Quixotic , and the song Anything * Anything (3T song) *… …   Wikipedia

  • Anything But Monday (magazine) — Anything But Monday was a nationally distributed humor magazine published in the late 1980’s. The semi monthly publication featured satirical social commentary, sarcastic criticism of public sensibilities, and comic strips that parodied many… …   Wikipedia

  • Anything Goes (disambiguation) — Anything Goes may refer to:* Anything Goes , a stage musical by Cole Porter * Anything Goes (song), the musical s title song * Anything Goes (1936 film), adaptation directed Lewis Milestone * Anything Goes (1956 film), adaptation directed Robert… …   Wikipedia

  • Anything Goes (song) — Anything Goes is a popular song written by Cole Porter for his musical Anything Goes (1934).Notable recordings*Tony Bennett (w/ Count Basie and his Orchestra): Basie Swings Bennett Sings (1958) *Ella Fitzgerald: Ella Fitzgerald Sings the Cole… …   Wikipedia

  • Anything Goes — ist eine Musical Comedy mit der Musik und den Gesangstexten von Cole Porter. Das Buch stammt von Guy Bolton und P. G. Wodehouse, die Überarbeitung von Russel Crouse und Howard Lindsay, der auch Regie führte. Produziert wurde die Show von Vinton… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • anything goes — Any sort of behaviour, dress, person, etc is tolerated or accepted • • • Main Entry: ↑any * * * anything goes phrase used for saying that any type of behaviour is possible or allowed in a particular situation We welcome students’ views, but that… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Anything — A ny*thing, n. 1. Any object, act, state, event, or fact whatever; thing of any kind; something or other; aught; as, I would not do it for anything. [1913 Webster] Did you ever know of anything so unlucky? A. Trollope. [1913 Webster] They do not… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Anything but — Anything A ny*thing, n. 1. Any object, act, state, event, or fact whatever; thing of any kind; something or other; aught; as, I would not do it for anything. [1913 Webster] Did you ever know of anything so unlucky? A. Trollope. [1913 Webster]… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Anything like — Anything A ny*thing, n. 1. Any object, act, state, event, or fact whatever; thing of any kind; something or other; aught; as, I would not do it for anything. [1913 Webster] Did you ever know of anything so unlucky? A. Trollope. [1913 Webster]… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Anything goes — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. Film Anything Goes, comédie musicale de Cole Porter créée à Broadway en 1934, ayant fait l objet de deux adaptations au cinéma : Anything Goes, film… …   Wikipédia en Français

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